Contact Us

Your best method of contacting us for any information about the Rough Diamond Guideline Price List is via email because we can respond from anywhere in the world. Some of the address links below will give you an automated response which may provide you with an immediate solution, followed up with a specific response if the automated one doesn't provide the answer.

We endeavor to respond within two business days to all your emails.

For assistance with the price list : Help with Price List
For assistance with ordering : Help with Ordering
For the most common questions : Help with FAQs
For general communication : General Communication

If you feel better using traditional mail, our postal address is:

ADTEC (Pty) Ltd
PO Box 199
South Africa

If you want to visit us, you will need to make an appointment. Please email us on:

Our contact numbers are:

Cell/WhatsApp: 081 898-7447